⚜️The EXCELSIOR Headshot Package
The EXCELSIOR Headshot Package
Deposit*** - 50% - Due at time of booking
Balance - 50% - Due 24 hours prior to photoshoot
*** Clients have the option to pay in full if preferred.
Clients should have already been received the following, prior to this booking:
Pre-booking consultation call
Pre-booking email which includes (a) studio location & (b) photoshoot date/time options.
Once deposit has been received, clients receive their customized photoshoot preparation package.
The EXCELSIOR Headshot Package
Deposit*** - 50% - Due at time of booking
Balance - 50% - Due 24 hours prior to photoshoot
*** Clients have the option to pay in full if preferred.
Clients should have already been received the following, prior to this booking:
Pre-booking consultation call
Pre-booking email which includes (a) studio location & (b) photoshoot date/time options.
Once deposit has been received, clients receive their customized photoshoot preparation package.
The EXCELSIOR Headshot Package
Deposit*** - 50% - Due at time of booking
Balance - 50% - Due 24 hours prior to photoshoot
*** Clients have the option to pay in full if preferred.
Clients should have already been received the following, prior to this booking:
Pre-booking consultation call
Pre-booking email which includes (a) studio location & (b) photoshoot date/time options.
Once deposit has been received, clients receive their customized photoshoot preparation package.